We live in a connected world!  Have you ever taken a moment to consider the multiple meanings of that phrase? From a technological perspective our connections will expand exponentially over the next two years. The growing Internet of Things movement will drive this expansion.  In 2017 Gartner Research shared that between 2016 and 2017 the number of devices used to connect to the internet had increased 31% to 8.4 billion. The forecast is that by 2020 that number will reach 20.4 billion.  


In a Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens writes,  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”  While I don’t believe we are on the cusp of a revolution, we live in an equally confusing period.


At a breakfast meeting this past Thursday morning, a panel of business and community agency  representatives discussed the findings of our community’s Annual Economic Outlook Report.  The report is based on 2016 data, the most recent year for which all information was available.  The report is generally favorable revealing that the county’s economy continues to grow.  Friday morning’s paper carried the headline, “Economic Outlook breakfast has sunny outlook”. During the panel discussion, Robert Firely, a partner at Herbein and Company, commented, “Workforce is a significant issue that is affecting many employers locally, statewide, and nationally.


Let’s begin with a question, “What is impossible for you to do today, but if it could be done would fundamentally change the way you do business, serve your clients, or even live your life?  Have you ever thought about it? The reality is, most of us are creatures of habit.  We follow a predictable pattern utilizing the routines, rules, customs, etc. that previously led to success.  Here’s the problem, that reality, which may have worked well in the past, is a sure-fire recipe for failure today.


You might remember in my invitation letter I mentioned Simon Sinek’s work, Why Every Leader Needs a Buddy.  He shares that a leadership buddy can be a colleague, but doesn’t necessarily have to be. It can be a friend or a mentor who aspires to leadership, but it must be someone you believe in and you’re willing to sacrifice your own interests to help.  Think about that for a moment, “Someone we are willing to sacrifice our own interests to help!”