Who are you serving?  As you look back on the last week, how have you been of service to others?  How did you help someone meet a challenge, solve a problem, overcome a fear, become a better person?  Mahatma Gandhi told us, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.”  Muhammad Ali shared, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell’s soup believes, “Leadership is service to others.”  And Paul Simon even wrote a song about it, “60 Ways to Lead Through Service.  Ok, ok, I’ve taken a little editorial liberty with the lyrics, but what better way to begin your week than with a little Monday morning karaoke   Play the instrumental and sing along (begin at 30 second mark).  When you finish, continue reading to discover ,”60 Ways to Better Your Community.

Sixty Ways To Lead Through Service

 The problem is all inside your head she said to me

The answer is easy if you take it logically

I’d like to help you in your struggle to lead

There must be sixty ways to lead through service.


She said it’s really not my habit to intrude

Furthermore, I hope my meaning won’t be lost or misconstrued

But I’ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude

There must be sixty ways to lead through service

Sixty ways to lead through service.


Just volunteer at Church, Lerch

Serve a little soup, Hoop

Coach some girls on the run, hun

And get yourself free

Help someone on the bus, Gus , 

You don’t need to give much

Just serve another’s needs, Lee

And get yourself free


She said it grieves me so to see you in such pain

I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again

I said I appreciate that and would you please explain

About the sixty ways to lead through service


She said why don’t you just sleep on it tonight

And I believe in the morning you’ll begin to see the light

And then I realized she probably was right

There must be sixty ways to lead through service

Sixty ways to lead through service


Just volunteer at Church, Lerch

Serve a little soup, Hoop

Coach some girls on the run, hun

And get yourself free

Help someone on the bus, Gus , 

You don’t need to give much

Just serve another’s needs, Lee

And get yourself free


It shouldn’t take a crisis for us to feel a need to serve others.  Ken Blanchard considers this idea in his post, “The Power of Serving Others”  Time and time again we have witnessed how people come together after a crisis and serve those in need.  He writes, “Those who serve are not concerned with the religion, political affiliation or sexual orientation of those who need help; they just reach out with support and love for their fellow human beings.”  He then quotes Sandra Bullock following her one million dollar donation to the Red Cross for Harvery Victims, “There are no politics in eight feet of water.  There are human beings in eight feet of water.”

Service to others brings out the best in people. There is true power in serving others, for it demonstrates our humanity; something that crosses so many lines, barriers and borders.  How can you serve?  Sign-up Genius is an on-line tool designed to facilitate the development of a capital campaign, volunteer project or other activity which requires the coordination efforts of several people.  A recent post, “60 Ways to Better Your Community.”  provides suggestions for activities that focus on Neighborhood Enhancement, Aiding those who have Special Needs, Partnering with our Senior Citizens, Caring for the Homeless or Hungry, Helping Animals and Protecting the Environment.  

There you have it; sixty ways you can serve, sixty ways you can make a difference, sixty ways you can demonstrate leadership. Perhaps Mr. Rogers said it best, “Life is for Service!”  Embrace the Challenge and Lead by Serving Others!