The Resiliency/Grit Development Challenge – Day 11 – Finding Your Grit

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your 11th of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #11 (Thanks to James Clear)

Ever have one of those days when you just want to throw in the towel or say, “That’s it, I give up!”? 

Growing Through COVID

“We all get broken, what matters is how we get up, how we use what we have learned, and how we put the pieces back together again.”–  David Kessler

In his book, Finding Meaning, David Kessler proposes that there is a sixth stage to the grieving process, one in which we find meaning, one in which we learn something about ourselves that will help us as we move forward in life.  However, meaning doesn’t jump up and confront us or easily reveal itself. 

The Resiliency/Grit Development Challenge – Day 10 – Criticism

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your 10th of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #10

Have you encountered this situation?  A meeting is convened to consider an issue that is compromising progress.  The person leading the meeting reviews the problem and says, “Any ideas?” 

The Resiliency/Grit Development Challenge – Day 9 – Spheres of Control

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your 9th of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #9 

There’s a brutal truth that some people refuse to accept: You have no control over many of the things that happen in your life.  

We often spend a great deal of time trying to control that, which in fact, is beyond our personal control; a spouse, child, friends, co-workers, the economy, etc.. 

The ResiliencyGrit Development Challenge (Day 8 – What Is Your Perspective?)

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your 8th of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #8

Remember the saying, “What you see is what you get?”  Well it’s not any different when we consider our focus on life.  The manner in which we orient our thoughts can influence our experiences, for better or for worse.