I think we are all well-aware of the importance of regular exercise and the role it plays in helping us to maintain and improve our overall health, both physical and mental. Recent data released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that our awareness is not translating to activity.  In 2008 the US Department of Health and Human Services issued guidelines recommending people pursue muscle strength training activities twice weekly with either moderate or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for at least 75 minutes per week. The CDC’s recent study revealed that only 22.9% of adults aged 18-64 are meeting these guidelines. Why should you exercise your body? Let’s start with the best reason, it helps you live longer! In addition we know that it serves to:

  • Help with weight loss
  • Builds and maintains muscle and bones
  • Increase energy levels
  • Reduce the risk of chronic disease
  • Improve skin health
  • Improve brain health and memory
  • Help with relaxation and sleep quality
  • Serve to reduce chronic pain
  • Improve sex life

Regular exercise is one of the most important things we can do for our health, but let’s not limit ourselves. Exercise can also serve to improve our self confidence and creativity, it’s simply approached a little differently and doesn’t require a post workout shower.

Creativity is the fuel for big ideas, creativity opens doors to new opportunities, creativity is fun, and most important, creativity is something we all have. Creativity is a by-product of the thought-process. We all think, therefore we can all be creative. And here is some great news, our creativity can be enhanced as we age. In fact, as we gather experiences, we are simply adding ingredients to store in our pantry for use in the future. However, just like our bodies, we need to exercise our minds to achieve better creative outcomes. How? Here are a few exercises:

  • Practice pattern recognition – Whether they be literary as in a detective novel or those found in math, nature, or art.
  • Play chess – Studies have shown that chess players outperformed a control group in the areas of fluency, originality and flexibility.
  • Go for a walk or exercise – A National Institute of Health (NIH) Study noted that physical activity is a surefire way to combat things like mental fog and fatigue and to accentuate improved affective experience and enhanced cognitive processing.
  • Do nothing at all – Unplug for some time. Processing too much information can serve to stifle our creative juices.
  • Change the way you do things. Drive a different way to work, order something different at Dunkin’, or change the way you end your day.
  • Take an afternoon and visit a zoo or art museum.

Remember, anything is possible! Sometimes it simply takes a little creativity to go somewhere we have never been! Personally, I think I’m going to take a little trip, because I heard It’s All Happening at the Zoo! Have a great week and, 

Embrace the Challenge