The Resiliency/Grit Challenge: Day 2

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your second of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #2

When we’re going through hard times, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, feel helpless, and start to wonder, “How am I going to make it through this?” 

The Resiliency/Grit Development Challenge

The Idea

Resiliency and Grit are learned behaviors that enable us to not only survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.  This is your first of 14 daily messages, each containing an exercise designed to strengthen your development of these two key skills.  Keep a journal, record your reflections and chronicle your growth.

Exercise #1
Bad things will happen. Try to think about them from a lifelong perspective. Draw a line on a paper representing the day you were born to the age you believe you will die.

Resilience – It’s a Good Thing

“Resilience is knowing 

that you are the only one 

who has the power to pick yourself up”

Our world is in a state of transformation!  A phenomenon referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) — the marriage of physical assets and digital technologies—has been altering how and where work is done.   Automation, digitalization, artificial intelligence, and robotics are changing the work environment.  The impact of Covid-19; a disruptor that has accelerated change and led to the loss of several million jobs, many of which will never return, has created a sense of uncertainty. 

Leading by Example

“The most powerful leadership tool you have, 

Is your own personal example!”

Last week I once again came upon what has become an all too frequent scene.  A middle-aged man arguing that he has a right not to wear a face mask.  His comments were laced with the usual profanities (this serves to masculinize the argument) and concluded with the statement, “This is all political bullshit!”   While I have also witnessed women fail to wear a mask, it is becoming increasingly evident that one reason many men are avoiding COVID-19 precautions is to avoid compromising their masculinity, but in doing so, they put others at risk.

Generosity – It’s a Two-Way Street

To build authentic relationships, 

you need to lead with generosity, and serve others first!” 

In mid April of this year, former candidate for PA Lieutenant Governor, Jeff Bartos, like so many others, was trying to figure out how to keep his business afloat.  The continual  challenges associated with the Coronavirus, and its impact on his real estate development firm, had left him exhausted.  He could have never imagined that it would be a phone call and question from a childhood friend, that that would lead him to an experience that, in his words, “was powerful, humbling, heartbreaking and hopeful.”