It Finally Happened

“Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes,
that I might scatter rich smiles in sad hearts”

                                                                          – Paramahansa Yogananda

It finally happened!  I was walking through the market doing some Saturday morning shopping when I came upon an old friend, or so I thought.  We nodded to each other and I asked, “How have you been?”  “Doing well, and you?” he replied.  I shared that I was enjoying time with the Wolfpups, playing golf and writing. …

The Human Side

“People don’t resist change. 

They resist being changed!” – Peter Senge

One year ago (September 27), the headline for the NY Times read, “White House Tried to ‘Lock Down’ Ukraine Call Records, Whistle-Blower Says!”  Another front page story focused on changes facing the government in Egypt, while a third warned that Wall Street was balking at efforts by many start-ups to go public.  We lived in a fast-paced, tumultuous world that, for the most part, embraced change. Most of us had come to understand that change is a means by which things improve…..and

Trusting in Ourselves

“Self trust knows that we are guided to make the right decision,

as long as we live our life’s truth without agenda.

We then know there are really no failures, only growth.”

Have you ever googled the word, “Trust”?  There is no shortage of hits (About 1,640,000,000 results in 0.64 seconds), and the resulting search will reveal everything from the value of establishing a financial trust to the importance of having trusting relationships.  Trust is defined as having confidence, faith or hope in someone or something. 

Patience and Compassion

“Patience and Compassion can only arise 

from the experience of our mistakes.” – Author Unknown

I vividly remember an afternoon a few years ago when I was practicing my solo docking skills with a 32’ sailboat.  The boat had no side thrusters and docking was accomplished stern first, meaning I reversed the engine and used the wheel and rudder to guide the boat ever so slowly into the slip.  I remember my instructor saying, “Be patient, if you’re not bored you are moving too fast!” 

19 Years Later – Never Forget

19 years ago this morning almost 3,000 people lost their lives during the attacks at the Twin Towers, Pentagon and aboard United Airlines Flight 93.  At 8:46 a.m. ET, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.  At 9:03 a.m. ET, United Airlines Flight 175  hit the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.  At 9:37 a.m. ET, American Airlines Flight 77  hit the Pentagon Building in Washington.