Empathy Will Bring Us Together

“To heal is to touch with love,
that which we previously touched with fear.”
Four years ago, following the Clinton/Trump campaigns and the election of President Donald Trump, I wrote about an experience I witnessed  a few days after the election.  It was relevant then, and I believe equally so now.

A few days following President Trump’s election,  I stopped by a local coffee shop .  It’s a small business in the community where I live.  There were about eight to ten people just sitting and discussing the outcome of the election.  

Only Through Collaboration

“A team is not a group of people who work together, 

it is a group of people who trust each other.”

                                                                                                             -S. Sinek

A friend, who is the CEO of a local business, contacted me the other day wanting to share a recent teamwork experience that evolved from a virtual meeting a few weeks ago.  The original plan was to spend an afternoon with her team discussing ideas for an upcoming forum the organization would be hosting.  She had envisioned the event, spent a great deal of time planning and developed several ideas she looked forward to sharing with the team. 

An Election Season Prayer


Casting your ballot shows respect to the memory of those

who made the ultimate sacrifice, one  

which enables the rest of us to exercise our right to vote.


The following prayer was used to open a meeting I recently attended.  I wanted to share it with you as we approach Election Day.


An Election Season Prayer

God, I know that I don’t have to get angry.  I don’t have to get worked up.

I don’t have to get depressed. 

Building Resilience With Gratitude

“When we practice gratitude as a daily habit,

we train our minds and emotions to thrive in adversity.

We begin to see the positive in difficult situations.”

                                                                                                -Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Wasn’t it a beautiful weekend?  I think our autumn colors are hitting their peak.  It’s days like these when I take a moment and count my blessings.  Could things be better?  Absolutely, but they could also be much worse, so on days like this, let’s be grateful.

Difficult situations are an inevitable part of the human experience, and Lord knows we have experienced them over the past few months. 

Finding the Sweet Spot

“The magic happens when you find

the sweet spot where your genuine interests,

skills and opportunity intersect.”

                                       – Scott Belsky 

A few weeks ago Bryson DeChambeau won the US Open.  A multi-skilled player, DeChambeau is best known for his distance off the tee.  In June, while playing in the Traveller’s Championship, he hit a 428 yard drive.  His current tour driving average is 324 yards.  When questioned on DeChambeau’s spectacular ability to hit such long drives, his coach said, “He simply hits the sweet spot more often, producing better ball speed and accuracy.”