Ready for another week?  Ready to go with the flow, or better yet, find yourself in the Flow?

So what do I mean by “Flow”.  Do you remember the term, “Just go with the flow?”  The phrase is originally credited to Roman Emperor Marcus Arelius in his writings, “The Meditations”.  He came to the conclusion that most things flow naturally, thus it is better to go with the flow of nature rather than change society.  Perhaps that is why his death marked the beginning of the end for the Western Roman Empire. 


You know, when you retire you do have more time on your hands and much more time to think.  As many of you know, I enjoy summer evenings on my deck where there is no shortage of reading material and time to think.  Late the other evening I came upon an essay that was shared with me when I turned 65. Entitled, “And Then it Was Winter,” it provides a perspective on life as one looks back.  As I read the essay again, the golfer in me snagged one of the thoughts, “But, here it is… the back nine of my life….”  


Let’s examine what I would like to refer to as the word of the week, LOYALTY!  It goes without question that this is a trait important and valued by all.  Leaders and employers want the loyalty of those who follow or work for them.  Business owners hope to establish a loyal clientele.  Pastors hope they will have a loyal congregation and we all hope for loyal friends and family.
So why the sudden interest in loyalty? Most would attribute it to events that have transpired in Washington over the past two weeks.


The word legacy has many definitions.  Most common is that related to being a gift of money or property passed down from one generation to the next.  However for our purposes, we are going to consider legacy from a different perspective, that of leadership!
In their book, A Leader’s Legacy  Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner begin by posing four questions: “Are you on this planet to do something or are you just here for something to do?  If you are on this planet to do something, then what is it?


“Confidence isn’t optimism or pessimism, and it’s not a character attribute. It’s the expectation of a positive outcome.”
– Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business
Harvard Business School
Last July a trip to Maine inspired me to finally embrace a challenge that I had thought about for years – learning to sail. I did a little research and before long was enrolled in the American Sailing Association’s Basic Keelboat (ASA 101) sailing course. It went well and I was soon certified to sail a 22-25 foot keelboat.