“No power on this earth can destroy 
the thirst for human dignity”

–  Nelson Mandela

Have you ever heard the saying, “Half of knowing what something is, is knowing what it is not!”  Well if you wanted to learn what does not represent dignity all you had to do was listen to our leaders in Washington D. C. this week.  Our President continues to utilize nicknames for those with whom he has issues; Shifty Schiff -Congressman Adam Schiff; Pocahontas – Senator Elizabeth Warren; Sleepy Joe – Former VP Joe Biden; and Crazy Nancy – House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi. 


“We discover our character through
decisions under pressure.”

–  Dan Millman

In 1982 Billy Joel released an album entitled, The Nylon Curtain, which contained the hit single, Pressure.  Feel free to listen while you read. 

The past few days have given me the opportunity to enjoy one of my passions – golf, as I played in a three day tournament with a number of others who share the same love for the game.  Inherent in these events is a situation that repeats itself time and time again, a player is faced with a critical putt. 


“Our Aspirations are Our Possibilities”

                                                              – Robert Browning

Why would one aspire to lead?  Perhaps you are the type of person that enjoys working with and leading others in the pursuit of goals beyond the capabilities of a single person.  Maybe, like a master gardener, you’ve got that green thumb that helps people and organizations thrive.  To you leadership is about helping and serving others.  In his 2010 TedxToronto presentation, Drew Dudley shares, “…we have made leadership into something bigger than us; something beyond us. 


The key for attaining “Someday Dreams” Is called Urgency
Think how you can create that urgency, and turn
“Someday” into “Today

                                                                                                 –  Tal Gu

Have you have encountered one of the following situations, or one like it?
  • You stand at the deli counter of your favorite store needing only one or two items.  There are two clerks, and one is slowly and carefully rewrapping a piece of cheese that was recently cut, while the other is reviewing orders that have been phoned in. 


“In the midst of movement and chaos, 
keep stillness inside of you.” 

                                                    – Deepak Chopra

It’s 12:43 AM on a Wednesday morning and I’m sitting here writing this week’s post.  The night air is getting cool, so I lit the fire pit.  It’s light, along with the candles lining the perimeter of the deck illuminate my work area.   The cicadas and crickets provide an almost white background noise, and periodically I will hear the sounds of a truck rumbling down a nearby highway.