Alter Your Perspective; Alter Your Life

“Man does not simply exist,
but always decides what his existence will be,
and what he will become the next moment.”

– V. Frankel
Answer this question, what are the obstacles in your life, that if removed, could fundamentally change the way you live?  Common responses might include, “Impossible!”  “Which obstacle?”  or “Where do I begin?”  It’s nice to imagine a life with no obstacles, with everything going according to plan.  It’s also nice to imagine a tree that grows money, a fountain of youth and pots of gold at the end of every rainbow. 

The Old Man’s Old Man

“The afternoon of life is just as full of meaning as the morning; only its meaning and purpose are different.”– C. Jung

He turned 41 Friday.  He’s now officially, “middle aged”!  What does that make me?  I can remember the morning as if it was yesterday. I kissed my wife goodbye and said, “Take care and call me if anything happens.” I arrived at the office and my secretary greeted me saying, “How’s she doing?” I smiled and said, “Any day now!”

Today is Tomorrow’s Yesterday

“Approach your day with a positive attitude; arms, heart and mind wide-open!”

Some have called me the eternal optimist! I routinely answer the question, “How are you?” with phrases such as, “I’m so good, I could be twins!”, “I’m living the dream!”, and my favorite, “I’m super good and getting better!” When I post an online Happy Birthday greeting, I like to remind the recipient that they are like a fine wine that only gets better with each year that passes. 

It Isn’t A Race

“Life moves pretty fast.  
If you don’t slow down, 
you could miss it!”

                                                           – Ferris Bueller

The front nine did not go well.  As I took the 10th tee, my partner said, “Wait a minute!  Before you hit, step back, see your line, and breathe.  Now, slow down your backswing and let the club do the work.  This isn’t a race!”  I followed his instructions and hit one of my best drives of the day.  The back nine was much better played and more enjoyable than the front. 

Are You a Superspreader?


Had I been asked in 2019 to define the term, “Long-hauler”, I would have responded, “A truck driver who, while on the road, must spend at least one night in the cab of his truck or in a motel.”  I would have said that “Zooming” means quickly moving from one point to another, and WFH was an abbreviated text for “What Fu#@ing Happened?”.  In addition to everything else, COVID has impacted our vocabulary – a long-hauler is someone with long-lingering illness symptoms attributed to COVID; Zooming is a video communication practice commonly used for social and business interaction and the letters WFH mean “Work from Home”.