A Different Perspective

“The kinder and more thoughtful a person is,
the more kindness they can find in other people.”
                                                                                           – L. Tolstoy

It’s been a little over a week since my life took on a different perspective; I’m spending a lot more time sitting on my ass!  While not completely incapacitated by recent foot surgery, many of the daily activities I took for granted now require planning.  Moving from one floor of the house to another is no longer a case of a quick trip up or down the stairs. 

Sharing the Joy

The joy to be found in brightening the lives of others, becomes the true meaning of Christmas!

The season of joy is upon us.  The days preceding Christmas are considered by many to be the most festive and joyous time of the year.  If you look back at all your past holiday celebrations, I am quite certain that you will remember many times of great joy: receiving the exact gift you were hoping for, family dinners and get togethers, finding just the right gift for someone, eating your favorite Christmas cookies, Elf on the Shelf, Christmas decorations, beautiful snow, the glow of candles, the warmth of the fireplace, or gathering to sing carols. …

Hitting a Speedbump

“The speed bumps in your life
are designed to slow you down,
not stop you completely!”

When was the last time you hit a speed bump, and do you remember how you felt as you approached it?  I hit two last week.  The first was near the bank where I often use the ATM. The speed bump is placed there to slow traffic that moves between the lane for the ATM and the lane for drive-in banking.  I understand its purpose, but I still detest it. …

It Changes Everything

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace.” 
  J. Hendrix

I was driving to an appointment last week and was momentarily distracted by a billboard.  The simplistic advertisement, a picture of a car and three bold-faced words accomplished its purpose; it grabbed my attention.  The ad displayed the ID.4, a new electric vehicle from Volkswagen, but it was the words that stuck with me, “It changes everything.”  Later in the day I read a bit more about the car and was disappointed to learn that it won’t change everything; it will only, “transform how I think about electric vehicles”. …

Who’s On Your List?

“Expressing gratitude is one of the simplest yet
most powerful things humans can do for each other.”

Have you started your list?  I began to work on mine last week.  Every year I say the same thing, “I’m not going to wait until the last moment!”  Lo and behold the last moment is almost here.  There is really no excuse; I’m retired, there are no health issues to speak of, and I have an abundance of time.  Truth is, it’s simply a case of procrastination, but that ends today! …