WHat Do You Need

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
                                                         – Albert Pike

It’s been almost two months since Father John retired, and in his absence I’ve been provided with an opportunity to better understand what it means to serve others.  This “revelation” if you will, can be attributed to the service being rendered by people like Midge, Cliff, Vicki, Ellen, Terri, David and so many others members of my Church who have pulled together and continue to volunteer their time and efforts to assure that our ministries continue and the needs of our congregation and community are met. …

The Gathering

“Old friends are memories personified!”
-R.P. Evans

The emails read something like this, “Jerry, as always, thanks for putting this outing together!  It’s one of the few times we get to see this gang of misfits all in one group……this must be a labor of love because I see all the work you put in, to give all of us a great day of golf and a way to continue exacerbating some of the stories of yesteryear.  I look forward to every event you’ve scheduled and look forward more to seeing all the guys and recalling our great ‘Ville memories.”

In Search of Niksen

“Don’t forget that sometimes doing nothing,
is the something you need to be doing!”
 – Anonymous

What did you do today?  How often do you hear that question?  In answering it, we often feel a need to justify how we spent our time, and to identify that which was accomplished.  After all, time is precious and a failure to utilize it in a productive manner may appear to be a character flaw.  Unfortunately, in today’s world, constant engagement is all too often seen as a sign of success; we have become obsessed with being productive, we have become obsessed with being busy.…

The Awe Factor

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”   – Albert Einstein

It was early evening and I thought I could still get in a few holes of golf.   Arriving at the club, I saw only a few cars in the lot.  Smiling to myself I said, “Perfect, it will be empty out there.”  I picked-up my clubs and went to the range to hit a few balls. …

Beauty Within the Flaws

Sometimes we forget that the true beauty of something can only be revealed through its brokenness.”

“Kintsugi” is the Japanese art of repairing something that has been broken, with the understanding that the repaired object can be more beautiful because it was once flawed.  I came across a story this past week that I wanted to share with you.  Sometimes we forget that the true beauty of something can only be revealed through its brokenness.

Reiko balanced the ceramic bowl in her tiny hands as she carried it to the kitchen. …